Are you a fan of hard sales techniques? If so, you could be cheating yourself out of business.

Most people are numb to traditional marketing. It’s hard to blame them. City dwellers see 5,000 ads every day.

How many of those ads do you think they will remember? Your odds aren’t good. There is a better way to get new customers. Read ahead to discover how to sell without selling. 

Information Overload

Commercials on the radio.

Banner ads on the Internet.

Billboards on the drive to work.

Product placement on television (is it just me or does every TV character use a Macbook?).

There are thousands of businesses, spending billions of dollars competing for every person’s attention. 

Flip Your Perspective

Auto repair and maintenance is about service, not sales. You can create a win/win situation by encouraging drivers to be proactive and responsible.

Look at it this way: auto repair is a necessary expense just like rent and groceries, so it requires a budget. According to AAA, it costs $786 per year to maintain a vehicle. Failing to invest can only lead to more expensive problems. When people understand that, they will be happy to pay for auto repair.

Are you a vehicle owner? If so, empty your pockets of loose change and put it in your car jar. Those coins might not seem like much, but they will add up over time. For bonus points, set up an automatic transfer of 5-10% of your net income that goes from your checking account to an emergency savings account at the end of every month. 

Solve People’s Problems

“But I run a business. How will I make a profit?”

By solving a customer’s problem — don’t complicate it!

My staff and I have a mantra that guides us: “Service, not sales.”

I don’t sell to my customers; I educate them about potential problems (and let them decide what to do about it).

Then I suggest preventive services that might solve those problems. Some people don’t take my advice. That’s okay. I just do my best and leave it at that. Do the same. Why worry?

Adjust Policy and Procedure

Change your operating systems to fit this philosophy. For example, you could use an auto inspection process on every vehicle that enters your garage. Print out a poster that explains that process and hang it up at your front desk.

If a customer looks confused, offer to take them outside and show them the problem. Customers won’t complain as much when they understand why an auto repair or service is beneficial. Keep asking follow-up questions until you are 100% sure they understand.

Create a Win/Win/Win Situation

Implementing this philosophy will change your entire work culture.

Your staff will treat customers with courtesy and respect (turn one-time visitors into repeat customers).

Do a good job and they will recommend your shop to their friends (positive word of mouth is the best advertising!).

Drivers might even review your shop at places like Yelp, Google, and Women Auto Know. We offer drivers a free directory of trusted auto shops that have committed to higher service standards.

As long as you agree with our philosophy, you are welcome to join the party. Your auto shop will get in front of qualified leads who are ready to buy. Why wait? Click here to take the Women Auto Know pledge today.

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