8 Great Reasons You “Auto” Love Your Car

Great Reasons You “Auto” Love Your Car

Your car is an asset that significantly enhances your life. The next time you feel frustrated with your vehicle, consider these eight reasons to appreciate it:

  1. Your car protects you.
    Your car acts as a protective barrier, shielding you from external elements while driving. The average vehicle weights just under 4,500 pounds. Imagine traveling at 65 mph without the safety provided by your car’s exterior and interior, like airs bags and more! Your vehicle and all its safety features help to ensure you arrive at your destination safely.
  2. Your car feels like home.
    There is something comforting about familiarity. As you spend more time in your car, it can start to feel like a second home. It’s a place where you can unwind and relax after a long day, with some comfort creatures found there. 
  3. Your car is a work of art.
    Cars are complex machines and robots designed and built by teams of highly skilled professionals. From designers and painters to welders and assembly line workers, many hands contribute to creating the product. Each car is a testament to hard work and craftsmanship.
  4. Your car communicates with you.
    While your car doesn’t speak in words, it lets you know when something is wrong. Whether it’s a warning light on the dashboard, a safety noise, or a distinct odor, your car provides clues that help you maintain its condition and keep it running smoothly.
  5. Your car takes you places.
    Imagine the inconvenience of not having a car when you need one. When your car is out of commission, it disrupts your daily routine. Vehicles provide the convenience and reliability you need to go where you want, when you want.
  6. Your car saves you trouble.
    Owning a car means having the freedom to travel without depending on public transportation or relying on others for rides. In areas where public transportation is limited, your car is an essential for getting around efficiently, affordably and independently.
  7. Your car provides freedom.
    Your car gives you the flexibility to explore, relocate, or simply take a break when needed. It empowers you to make spontaneous decisions, like going on a road trip or driving for a road trip. 
  8. Your car requires care and attention.
    Just like a pet, your car needs regular maintenance and care. Addressing issues promptly, such as unusual sounds or warning lights, helps prevent more costly repairs down the road, and ultimately supports your mental health in many ways. Taking good care of your car ensures it will continue to serve you well for years to come.


Love your car and take a minute to appreciate all the ways it enhances your life. From commuting to work and traveling on vacation to running errands and taking your kids to practice, your vehicle plays an important role in your daily routine. The next time a friend expresses frustration about their car, share this perspective to remind them of its many benefits.