Would you like to see the greatest danger to American drivers? Look in the mirror. Human error causes nine out of ten crashes. If you want to be a safe driver, watch out for these five common causes of car accidents.

1. Fatigue

Go, go, go. That’s the motto of the 21st century. All of this busyness takes a toll.

You don’t have an unlimited supply of energy. Your body can only handle so much. When you go past that breaking point, you might find yourself nodding off while you drive. A lot can happen while your eyes are closed.

Limit the use of cellphones and computers before bed. Those bright lights keep you awake. Get at least six hours of sleep (preferably eight!). If you’re a new parent, be okay with the fact that you might need to pull over and take a nap sometimes. Afraid you’ll get behind? Don’t be. Your safety is more important than your to-do list.

2. High speeds

Speeding increases the distance you need to stop your vehicle safely. The faster you drive, the longer it takes to stop, the more likely you will wreck. Resist the urge to slam your gas pedal. You need time to react.

I get tickled when people speed past me, just to get stopped by the same red light a few seconds later. Breaking the speed limit is pointless. Slow down. Speeding won’t get you there any faster unless you’re driving a long distance.

3. Lack of focus

People treat driving like it’s no big deal. They shouldn’t. Every time you drive, recognize the fact that you are operating a dangerous machine that could kill or injure another person.

Remember that the next time you eat or answer a text in the car. This is not the time to multitask. Wake up early so you can eat at your kitchen table. Silence your phone and stick it in your purse or glove compartment.

4. Alcohol abuse

If you choose to get drunk, that’s your own business. I’m not your mother, so I won’t try to stop you. However, you should NEVER operate a vehicle while you are under the influence of alcohol.

Drunk driving is a huge problem. Drunk drivers play a role in 25% of motor vehicle fatalities. Marijuana doesn’t appear to be as dangerous but I still wouldn’t recommend it. If you like to party, fine… but keep it at home!

5. Low self-control

This might sound like a strange thing to put on this list. Let me explain. Most distracted driving behaviors are caused by a lack of self-control.

Your phone makes a noise. You know you shouldn’t look, but you do it anyway. Your CD starts skipping. You know you shouldn’t mess with that until you stop at a traffic light, but you do it anyway. Your Facebook status gets tons of comments. You know you shouldn’t answer them now, but you do it anyway.

This stuff might seem important in the moment, but it’s really not. Be patient. Everything else can wait. Pay attention to the road. Be mindful of your environment. Your life could depend on it. That sounds dramatic, but it’s true. Driving is no joke. Traffic accidents kill a lot of folks. You don’t want to be a part of that statistic.

Please share this post so your friends can be mindful of these common causes of car accidents too. Thank you! 🙂

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