In a world where everyone tries to stand out from the crowd, no one likes being called “regular.” Videos are only successful if they go viral, celebrities only get publicity if they do something over the top, and people only get noticed when they do something out of the ordinary. But I’m here to tell you ladies, being regular IS a good thing.

Regular can refer to feeling digestively regular, having a regular female hormone cycle, a regular sleep cycle and even practicing regular automotive maintenance. That’s right – Regular Maintenance on your car is not only a good thing – it is the best thing you can do for your car. And you guessed it,

Regular Maintenance should be done… Regularly!

Just like our bodies, our cars have numerous moving parts that need to be maintained, serviced and tuned-up. If any of these essential parts break-down or malfunction, they can wreak havoc on the entire automobile. Our cars and our bodies need to have all systems working properly in order to function at optimal capacity. Fortunately for us, even though our bodies didn’t come with owner’s manuals, our cars did!

maintenance scheduleWhether you got your car from a dealer or off Craig’s List, you can still get an owner’s manual and service schedule courtesy of the beloved internet. Here’s how:

Look up your make and model and check out what Recommended Service Schedules  are offered.

  • Research manufacturer websites for downloadable Service Schedules.
  • Look in your OMV (Owner’s Manual for Vehicle) for a Service Schedule or   service  guidelines.
  • Join Women Auto Know for FREE and download our Personal Maintenance Log.

Use ‘Em if You Got ‘Em

Once you have a Service Schedule or Maintenance Log, USE IT! Think of it like a shot record for your baby (or puppy/kitty for you pet lovers). The log lets you know what you have done to keep your baby healthy, and what you need to do in the future, and most importantly, when you need to do it. Preventive maintenance can help keep your baby, and your wallet, fat and happy.

Other advantages to Regular Maintenance and keeping a Personal Maintenance Log are:

  • Avoiding major repairs resulting from automotive neglect.
  • Taking advantage of service/parts discounts by scheduling work around sales.
  • Being able to compare prices and auto shops because you plan ahead.
  • Getting service/maintenance done on YOUR schedule, not when the car breaks down.
  • Having records to support any service/repair disputes that may arise.
  • And… A detailed service log can increase value of vehicle if you ever sell it (cha-ching!).

Being informed about your car and its health is the best way to be to protect yourself in and out of the auto shop. So get educated, get empowered and take the FEAR out of Auto Repair by arming yourself with service and maintenance logs today!

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 Mechanically Yours
