Are you a note taker, a list maker? I am and I bet most women are. But when it comes to our cars, many women don’t think about taking notes. If you were in school preparing for an exam, you would take notes. If you were at a work conference, you would take notes. Heck, I even take notes on how to use a new remote!

But what about more serious things, like illnesses? If you or your child were diagnosed with an illness, you would definitely take notes on how to treat that illness, right? Well your car relies on YOU to take care of it. It is your baby. And as your baby’s mamma, it is your job to take notes and keep accurate records. This is one of the most critical steps in breaking down the barriers of fear and anxiety that surround women and their cars.

Cars may seem like foreign objects because they are… until they aren’t anymore. Let me explain. When you get a new pet, or even have your first child, it is scary. Everything about that little precious life is intimidating. We worry we will break it, scar it, damage it or do something that could really mess it up. But we all overcome that fear because we HAVE to. We read books, talk to people and go to professionals for advice because we know our babies are helpless without us… they rely on us.

Your car is exactly the same. It wants you to understand its cries, know what it needs when it squeaks and to get really intimate with it, inside and out. The cure to automotive anxiety is understanding how your car works. Reading this blog is a great first step. Next, be a diligent parent and take notes every time you bring your car to the doctor, um, mechanic. Write down everything they do, ask questions and make sure you understand what the professional is doing to your baby. WAK Shops pledge to Show and Tell and provide Service, Not Sales. If your shop hasn’t pledged, encourage them to.

Keep accurate service records and use our Personal Maintenance Log between check-ups. Get yours when you join WAK for FREE! Remember, your car needs you to take care of it. Whether you plan on babying your baby and want to keep it running forever, or you plan on selling it to another loving owner, detailed records will help you get the most mileage and money out of your car.

Mechanically Yours,
